jQuery Find-Your-Rep

A basic jQuery plugin for finding out who represents you in federal and state legislatures

View the Project on GitHub sunlightlabs/jquery-findyourrep

Find Your Rep Widget

A Basic jQuery plugin that renders a form into the specified target, geocoding input and displaying results from Sunlight's Congress and Open States APIs.



  1. Link jQuery and dist/jquery.findyourrep-pack.min.js on your page (in that order).
  2. Call findYourRep() on an element:
        apikey: 'your-key'


Passed as a javascript object to the constructor, just like any jQ plugin.

Default Styles:

There's an included stylesheet which you can add to your page to add some basic style.

By default, all CSS is scoped to a container classname, .fyr-container. There's a scss source file available in the src/css folder which you can edit to add your own style.


Enter your address screen

Result Screen


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Install Node.js if you don't have it
  3. Run npm install && bower install && grunt demo
  4. Commit your changes and send a pull request
