
The base url for the API is /politicalpartytime.org/api/v1 ; any addresses in the below must be appended to the base url. All API calls require an active Sunlight API key and a format (either 'json' or 'xml') as querystring arguments. For instance, a call to describe event #31 would look like /event/31/?format=json&apikey=[API key]. API methods and return types are described below.

Return objects consist of two parts; a meta object describing the results returned, and a list of the returned objects. The meta object looks like the following:

{"meta": {"limit": 50, "next": "/api/v1/event/?apikey=[API Key]&limit=50&offset=50&format=json", "offset": 0, "previous": null, "total_count": 17246}

The next variable is the next page in this result set; previous--which in the above is null, is the previous page. The total_count is the total number of objects matching this description, though not all are returned. The limit is the maximum number of objects returned per page.

Universal Parameters

All API calls can be given a limit and an offset parameter, though the limit can not be greater than 50. The offset must be positive.

API Methods


Return a list of events. With no filters will return all events. Optional parameters are:

beneficiaries__crp_id : Lawmaker ID used by the Center for Responsive Politics.

/event/?beneficiaries__crp_id=N00003675&format=json&apikey=[API key]

start_date__gt : Show only events with a start date after a given date. Dates should be formatted YYYY-MM-DD.

/event/?start_date__gt=2012-10-01&format=json&apikey=[API key]</pre>

host__id : Internal host ID

   /event/?host_id=12&format=json&apikey=[API key]

beneficiaries__state : Two-letter postal code indicating what state the event beneficiary represents. Presidents do not represent a single state.

/event/?beneficiaries__state=CT&format=json&apikey=[API key]


Return details about a single event referenced by ID. No additional parameters are required.

/event/31/?format=json&apikey=[API key]


Return details about legislators. With no additional parameters, will return all legislators.

crp_id : Show only the legislator identified by this Center for Responsive Politics ID.

   /lawmaker/?format=json&crp_id=N00003675&apikey=[API key]


Return details about a single legislator referenced by internal ID. No additional parameters are required.


Return details about all hosts.


Return details about a single host identified by internal ID.

    /host/?host_id=12&format=json&apikey=[API key]

API return types


Each fundraiser or other party includes the following data, though some fields may be empty.

Beneficiaries : A list of beneficiaries, typically lawmakers, who are raising money at the event. Some events raise money for many lawmakers, so this list may be quite long. For more details see legislators.

canceled : Is the event canceled ?

checks_payable_to_address :

contributions_info :

distribution_paid_for_by : The entity who sent the event--typically the sponsoring committee

end_date :

end_time :

entertainment :

hosts : A list of event hosts.

id : An unique internal ID. This is unique with respect to invitations; occasionally we enter different versions of the same event twice.

is_presidential : Is this a presidential fundraiser?

make_checks_payable_to :

postponed :

resource_uri : The local API address for this specific event.

rsvp_info :

start_date :

start_time :

venue : The location of the event. For more details, see venues.


Not all legislators are present; only those who we have a record of hosting or benefitting from a fundraiser.

affiliate :

crp_id : A unique ID assigned by the Center for Responsive Politics.

district : What house district does this lawmaker represent? Absent for other officials.

id : A unique internal ID.

name :

party :

resource_uri : URL for API page with these details.

state : What state does this lawmaker represent?

title :


These are people listed as hosts on the invitation. They can be either lawmakers or regular citizens.

crp_id : A unique ID assigned by the Center for Responsive Politics.

id : A unique internal ID.

name :

resource_uri : URL for API page with these details.


The locations where fundraisers are held

address1 :

address2 :

city :

id : A unique internal ID.

resource_uri : URL for API page with these details.

state :

venue_name :

zipcode :